As a nation, our innovation potential is vital—and at risk. This risk comes at a time when the challenges facing our society have never been more complex. At The Henry Ford, we believe that every child should have the opportunity to realize their

Children who grow up exposed to a particular type of invention or inventor are far more likely to follow that path.1
Inequality stifles innovation.
The reality is that social, economic, racial, gender and political barriers stand in our way. We’re at risk of missing out on breakthrough inventions as a result of inequality that’s only projected to increase unless we take action now.
Gap in the talent pipeline.
Business leaders have identified a critical need for new strategies in education that align with the needs of a globalized 21st-century workplace. Today, companies struggle to fill positions. To close this gap, educators and workforce experts agree on
critical areas for development including collaboration and teamwork, creativity and imagination, critical thinking and problem solving.2
Will we outpace growing challenges?
We have entered a period of accelerating complexity and change, placing a tremendous burden on the next generation to invent.3 Will today’s young people have the skills and resources to address
coming global challenges in food security, climate change, access to digital technology, gender equality, and more? If present trends continue, the United States will no longer be the main supplier of talent to address these challenges.4

Children who grow up exposed to a particular type of invention or inventor are far more likely to follow that path.1