Ishani was born a barrier breaker.
Weighing a slight 1.5 pounds at birth, she spent the first few months of her life in the NICU at St. John Providence Park Hospital in Novi, Michigan. As a result of her premature birth, Ishani has a condition that requires her to wear leg braces and receive
frequent treatments and physical therapy.
This never slowed her down. To the contrary, it was her spark. As a bright and vibrant fourth-grader, Ishani had the opportunity to participate in the Michigan Invention Convention in 2018, hosted and sponsored by The Henry Ford. There she debuted her
invention, the Mochi Ka (Cobbler’s) Boot, as a solution to a snow boot’s inability to accommodate AFO (ankle-foot orthosis) leg braces. Ishani envisions a day when anyone with AFOs can play with their friends in the snow at recess.